Pict: Some of the Evening Crew all smiles Post WOD! Metcon: “JACKIE” (Modified) Run 1000M 50 Thrusters 45/30 30 Pull-ups
Pict: The 9:15 with some Wall-Walks Metcon: “NICOLE” 20 Min AMRAP Run 400m Max Pull-ups
300 Challenge Results!!!
Yesterday 65 Athletes and Coaches from all over the Houston area took on our 3rd annual 300 challenge. There were over 100 people at... Read More
Pic: 4:45 Class warming up with a little Jog Strength: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5 Metcon: 21-18-15-12-9-6 Dumbell Snatch Left Arm Dumbell Snatch Right Arm Pull-Ups
Pict: 9:15 and 12:30 body count…100% on Yesterdays WOD! Metcon: “NANCY” 15 OHS 95/65 400M Run 5 Rounds