


CrossFit Point Break – Cardio Fit Camp

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A: Coaches Choice (No Measure)


B: Metcon (Time)

10 rounds

Rows 300m

Rest 45 seconds


C: Metcon (Time)

25 renegade rows 35/20

30s left and right plank with straight arm

20 knee crosses

30s left and right plank
Knee crosses in push up position lift right knee toward left elbow with a slight twist and crunch touch knee to elbow. Both is 1 rep.

Extra Work

D: Metcon (No Measure)

10 min hip and back mobility

Face wall legs wide then push hips toward wall 20-30s hold twice

Strider stretch pushing knee out 20-30s hold twice

Childs pose (butt in heels) 30s hold

Cobra, information pills cobra with a twist arm underneath and across body 15-20s to each

X band walk with left over time (blue band underneath each foot pull up for tension and twist band then walk in all 4 directions)