CrossFit Point Break – Cardio Fit Camp
A: Coaches Choice (No Measure)
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
15 min AMRAP
Pull ups
DB Squats 35/20s
GHD sit ups
DB Push Press 35/20
Draw a Card every rounds for your number of reps 2=2, healing 3=3….J=11, sale Q=12,K=13, A=15
C: Metcon (Time)
3 rounds
1000m row
15 ring rows
250 single unders
Extra Work
D: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds
10 hollow rocks
10 v-ups
10 tuck ups (knees to chest)
10 sec hollow rock hold
(must be unbroken each set to count feet CANNOT touch the ground rest position will be in tuck position)