Register for the Open!


Register for the Open!


Pic: Of our Team last year at South Central Regional!

The Open is here!  The Open is the precursor to South Central Regionals and ultimately The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games.  This year, viagra we are all in it together!  All of our athletes will be taking on The Open WODs  every Saturday during the next 5 weeks.  We are calling on each of you to join us in registering for The Open, tracking your workout progress and interacting with the CrossFit community internationally.  We cannot think of a better way to celebrate our sport and connect with the community at large!  This is your chance to see what The Sport of Fitness is all about.  The affiliate with the most athletes in our region will receive tickets for each of their registered athletes to the South Central Regionals in Houston, TX.  The affiliate with the most athletes regsitered worldwide will receive tickets to The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games!  Help us show the world how strong and amazing our community truly is!

What you should do:

  • Register and create your athlete profile
    **be sure to choose your affiliate CrossFit Point Break
  • Complete The Open WODs in your regular class
  • Log your score or time for each WOD on your CrossFit Games Profile
  • Bring your best effort everyday and HAVE FUN!!
    ***this is for all athletes of all levels

What you will receive:

  • a chance to receive tickets to the South Central Regionals & The Reebok CrossFit Games
  • a larger connection with the athlete inside of you
  • interaction, encouragement & competition from the CrossFit community internationally