CrossFit Point Break – CrossFit
A: Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Competition Warm up
B: (No Measure)
a.Hip Extensions 1×15 then 3×15 hugging 45/25lbs plate
b. 3 rounds
10 Empty bar high hang squat cleans
5 Kipping HSPU w/3 second hold at the top of each rep
C: Back Squat (7 x 1)
Extra Work
D1: GHD Back Extensions (3 x 15 )
D2: DB Weighted Jumps (3 x 5 )
Competition Strength
E: Back Squat (Find your new 5RM back squat)
F: Metcon (Time)
21 – 15 – 9
OHS 135/95
Toes 2 Bar
30 Burpee Buy Out
Competition Conditioning
G: Metcon (Time)
Repeat the following three times:
10 OHS 135/95lbs
5 Bar muscle-ups
8 OHS 135/95lbs
4 Bar muscle-ups
6 OHS 135/95lbs
3 Bar muscle-ups
4 OHS 135/95lbs
2 Bar muscle-ups
2 OHS 135/95lbs
1 Bar muscle-ups
Rest 3 minutes between “rounds”