CrossFit Point Break – CrossFit
A: Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Competition Warm up
B: (No Measure)
a. Hip Extensions 1×15 then 3×10 hugging 45/25lbs plate
b. 3 Rounds
10 Empty bar high hang squat cleans
5 Kipping HSPU w/a 3 second hold at the top of each rep
C1: ‘MisFit Clean Complex’ (6 x 1 )
Power clean – push jerk – front squat – hang squat clean – split jerk
C2: 5 Strict T2B + 5 Kipping T2B (6 sets )
Competition Strength
D: Push Jerk (5×5 @60% – Touch and go)
E: Luke (Time)
For Time:
400m Run
15 Clean and Jerks, this 155#
400m Run
30 Toes-To-Bar
400m Run
45 Wall-Ball Shots, this 20#
400m Run
45 Kettlebell Swings, buy 53#
400m Run
30 Ring Dips
400m Run
15 Weighted Lunge Steps, 155#
400m Run
In honor of Marine Staff Sgt. Leon H. Lucas Jr. died Aug. 1, 2011, in Helmand Province, Afghanistan
To learn more about Luke click here
Competition Conditioning
F: Amanda (Time)
Snatch, 135#/95#
G: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds
6 CTB pull-ups
6 Calorie row
9 CTB pull-ups
9 Calorie row
12 CTB pull-ups
12 Calorie row
Rest 90 seconds