


CrossFit Point Break – CrossFit

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A: Coaches Choice (No Measure)

Competition Warm up

B: Run/Step (No Measure)

Run 400m

50 Weighted step-ups with 30/15lbs dumbbells


C1: Back Squat (5 x 3 @ 75%)

C2: Dual KB Rack Reverse Lunges (5 x 6 (Each Leg))

C3: Sliders (5 x 10)

Competition Strength

D: Power Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk (Find 1 RM )


E: Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds

15 KB Swings 53/35

20 Goblet Squats 53/35

30 Double Unders (100 Singles)

600M Run ( Buy Out)

Every Movement Msut be UNBROKEN to move to next movement or round!!!!!

Competition Conditioning

F: Metcon (Time)

For Time:

21 Cal on Rower

21 Thrusters 95/65

21 Cal on Rower

Rest 90 Sec

15 Cal on Rower

15 Thrusters

15 Cal on Rower

Rest 90 Sec

9 Cal on Rower

9 Thrusters

9 Cal on Rower

Competition Extra Work

G: Metcon (No Measure)

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (6 rounds)

50? HS walk

12 CTB pull-ups

Rest remainder of round