CrossFit Point Break – CrossFit
A: Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Competition Warm up
B: Row/Rope (No Measure)
Row 500m
8 Rope climbs
C: Clean + Hang Clean + Split Jerk (1 Rep Every 90 secs for 12 Mins)
Competition Strength
D: Power Clean and Jerk ( 3×1 @80-90% 4×1 @90+%)
E: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds
25 kettlebell swings, viagra 40mg 53/35
25 knees-to-elbows
Competition Conditioning
F: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM 15 minutes*
50? Walking lunge with 45/25lbs plate OH
20 Chest to deck push-ups
10 Weighted pistols with plate
*Rotate through each movement as a new minute starts (0:00 Lunges 1:00 Push-ups 2:00 Pistols). You should get through five rounds of each in the 15 minutes.
Competition Extra Work
G: Metcon (1 Rounds for distance)
EMOM 10 minutes
10 Unbroken toes to bar
Max distance on rower in remaining time