CrossFit Point Break – CrossFit
A: Coaches Choice (No Measure)
B1: Seated Strict Press (5 x 4 )
B2: Legless Rope Climb (5 x 1 )
B3: Strict Dips (5 x 8)
no kipping allowed
Competition Strength
C: 3 Position Clean + Jerk (1×1@55%, viagra 1×1@60%, information pills 1×1@65%, 1×1@70%)
floor, hang, power position
D: Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
25 KB Swings 53/35
15 Push Press 95/65
30 ABMAT Situps
400M Run
Competition Conditioning
E: Metcon (Time)
7 rounds of:
4 T&G Power Clean & Push Jerks (begin @ 155/105)
Run 200m
4 Strict Pullups
3 Bar MU
Rest 1:00 after each round.
*Increase load on PC&PJ by 10# each round until you cannot complete 4 reps, then lower weight by 10# and use for the remainder of the workout.